Updated 28 November 2001


These files provide information on Al Qaeda and suspects in the bombings of U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 7, 1998, and the USA v. Bin Laden, et al trial transcripts.
Date Document URL
28 November 2001 The Masking of a Militant: A special report.; A Soldier's Shadowy Trail In U.S. and in the Mideast http://cryptome.org/nyt-mohamed.htm

New York Times report on Ali Mohamed, December 1, 1998

26 November 2001 Ali Mohamed Served in the U.S. Army -- And bin Laden's Circle Wall Street Journal, November 26, 2001, front page. Requires subscription.
23 November 2001 Daily transcripts of the USA v. Bin Laden, et al trial in New York, February to October 2001 http://cryptome.org/usa-v-ubl-dt.htm
11 November 2001 Court Docket for USA v. Bin Laden, et al through 5 November 2001 (793KB) http://cryptome.org/usa-v-ubl-dk2.txt
24 October 2000 Plea Hearing for Ali Mohamed http://cryptome.org/usa-v-mohamed.htm
9 February 1999 Experts Find No Arms Chemicals at Bombed Sudan Plant, February 9, 1999 http://jya.com/obl020999.htm
8 February 1999 In Islamic World, Bin Laden's Esteem Rises, February 8, 1999 http://jya.com/obl020899.htm
6 January 1999 Indictment of Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, January 6, 1999 http://jya.com/mms010699.htm
2 January 1999 Osama Bin Laden Speaks to ABC News, January 2, 1999 http://jya.com/bin-laden-abc.htm
17 December 1998 Press Release on Indictment of Fadhil, Mohamed, Ghailani, Msalam, and Swedan, December 16, 1998 http://jya.com/usa121698.htm
27 November 1998 Usama Bin Laden and Five Others Docket, November 24, 1998

(Superceded: See 11 November 2001)

27 November 1998 Usama Bin Laden Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/ubl112498.htm
27 November 1998 Wadih El Hage Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/weh112498.htm
27 November 1998 Fazul Abdullah Mohamed Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/fam112498.htm
27 November 1998 Mohamed Sadeek Odeh Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/mso112498.htm
27 November 1998 Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/mro112498.htm
27 November 1998 Muhammed Atef Docket, November 24, 1998 http://jya.com/ma112498.htm
12 November 1998 Usama Bin Laden Docket, November 6, 1998 http://jya.com/ubl110698.htm
4 November 1998 Press Release Usama Bin Laden Indictment, November 4, 1998 http://jya.com/usa110498.htm
4 November 1998 Indictment of Usama Bin Laden, November 4, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-laden.htm
4 November 1998 Indictment of Usama Bin Laden and Five Others, November 4, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-laden+5.htm
31 October 1998 C.I.A. Said to Have Rejected Bombing Suspect's Bid to Be a Spy
(Ali Mohamed)
30 October 1998 Khalid Ibrahim Docket, October 22, 1998 http://jya.com/ki102298.htm
30 October 1998 Mamdouh Mahmud Salim Docket October 15, 1998 http://jya.com/mms101598.htm
30 October 1998 New York Times:U.S. Ex-Sergeant Charged as bin Laden Accomplice
(Ali Mohamed)
30 October 1998 New York Times Archive on U.S. Offensive Against Terrorism http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/
30 October 1998 New York Times Archive on Embassy Bombings http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/
26 October 1998 Wadih el Hage Docket, October 16, 1998 http://jya.com/weh101698.htm
25 October 1998 New Indictment of El Hage, Abdullah Mohammed, Odeh and Al-'Owhali, October 7, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-hage+3.htm
2 October 1998 Mamdouh Mahmud Salim Docket October 2, 1998 http://jya.com/mms100298.htm
2 October 1998 Mohamed Sadeek Odeh and Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali Docket, October 1, 1998 http://jya.com/mso-mra100198.htm
2 October 1998 Wadih el Hage Docket, October 1, 1998 http://jya.com/weh100198.htm
29 September 1998 Odeh and Al-'Owhali Indictment, September 28, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-mso-mra.htm
29 September 1998 News: Odeh and Al-'Owhali Indicted, September 29, 1998 http://cnn.com/US/9809/29/bombings.
28 September 1998 Wadih el Hage Dockets, September 26, 1998 http://jya.com/weh092698.htm
24 September 1998 Wadih el Hage News, September 24, 1998 http://jya.com/weh092498.htm
24 September 1998 Al Qaeda News, September 24, 1998 http://jya.com/alq092498.htm
24 September 1998 The New York Times: U.S. Offensive Against Terrorism, September 24, 1998 http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/

Note: See latest New York Times
stories at this site

24 September 1998 Wadih el Hage Dockets, September 23, 1998 http://jya.com/weh092398.htm
24 September 1998 Mohamed Sadeek Odeh Docket, September 23, 1998 http://jya.com/mso092398.htm
24 September 1998 Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali Docket, September 23, 1998 http://jya.com/mra092398.htm
22 September 1998 USA v. Wadih el Hage Indictment, September 22, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-elhage.htm
22 September 1998 Wadih el Hage News, September 22, 1998 http://jya.com/weh092298.htm
21 September 1998 USA Complaints Against El Hage, Fazil and Odeh, September 21, 1998 http://jya.com/usa-v-qaeda.htm
20 September 1998 Haroun Fazil Docket, September 18, 1998 http://jya.com/hf091898.htm
20 September 1998 Haroun Fazil and Wadih el Hage News, September 18, 1998 http://jya.com/fazil-el-hage.htm
17 September 1998 FBI Press Release on Haroun Fazil, September 17, 1998 http://www.fbi.gov/fo/nyfo/9171998.htm
28 August 1998 FBI Press Release on Mohamed Sadeek Odeh, August 28, 1998 http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/odeh.htm
27 August 1998 FBI Press Release on Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali, August 25, 1998 http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/africaco.htm
25 August 1998 Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali Complaint, August 25, 1998 http://www.fbi.gov/pressrel/rashed.pdf